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Thank You Kerry for Endorsing Obama

First of all, let me say I am so excited to be able to be apart of Fair Media Now! for John Edwards. Some of you may know me from the John Edwards myspace community - Northern New York Loves Edwards. I have been blogging there nightly since June 2007. Thank you for inviting me to what I think is going to be 'the wake up media' blog with the powerhouses we have here in John's corner. We are going to kick that black door down for John! Who's with us?

As many of you have heard today -- John Kerry endorsed Barack Obama. My first response was shock.... which turned to anger.... ask anyone who was sending me messages when I found out. lol :) However, as the day pressed on, I started to think about what this meant for John. My first thought was, the only reason I personally voted for Kerry was because John was his running mate. I had NO OTHER reason.... well.... maybe 'anyone but Bush'.... but I was an Edwards supporter first and voted for him in my NY primary. This eased my mind a bit this morning in terms of this being not so bad. Followed by that, my friend Randy made this remark,

"Edward's 2004 connection to Kerry was my ONLY reason for not completely trusting Edwards. Kerry is part the "old school" with direct ties to Bush/Cheney/Bush through the "Skull and Crossbones." Whether you believe it or not, it is that very organization which controls a vast majority of this country today.

Now I trust Edwards 100%...

If Kerry backs Obama, what's that say about Obama? If you take it one step further, it is now a well known fact that he is a distant relative of Bush and Cheney..."

I said to myself, yes, this was definitely debated heavily on the Internet, as the "Skull and Crossbones" has never been covered heavily by the media.... it has also been connected to others such as Bill Clinton, Dubya, and Daddy Bush. If you aren't familiar with this group, just google it. Then, there is the Obama/Cheney factor. You can also news search the articles that came out which shows family ties between Cheney and Obama. The Vice President's wife, Lynn Cheney, discovered the long-ago connection while researching her new memoir. Anyways, as I sat and pondered that, I thought well.... this is somewhat old news to some.... and conspiracy theory laced so I decided that I needed something fresh. I got two pieces of fresh meat on making me glad 100% that Kerry endorsed Obama.

The first thing was a bulletin from Politics Made Simple on MySpace with an article titled, "Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2007". Guess who made the cut? Not John I can tell you that. Barack Obama sure did though. The article said,

8. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL): A "Dishonorable Mention" last year, Senator Obama moves onto the "ten most wanted" list in 2007. In 2006, it was discovered that Obama was involved in a suspicious real estate deal with an indicted political fundraiser, Antoin "Tony" Rezko. In 2007, more reports surfaced of deeper and suspicious business and political connections It was reported that just two months after he joined the Senate, Obama purchased $50,000 worth of stock in speculative companies whose major investors were his biggest campaign contributors. One of the companies was a biotech concern that benefited from legislation Obama pushed just two weeks after the senator purchased $5,000 of the company's shares. Obama was also nabbed conducting campaign business in his Senate office, a violation of federal law.

Obama's lucky.... Hillary got the 1 spot. Ouch. Not that I was surprised by either of their appearances on the list.

The second thing was John's statement on Kerry not endorsing him,

"Our country and our Party are stronger because of John's service, and I respect his decision. When we were running against each other and on the same ticket, John and I agreed on many issues. I continue to believe that this election is about the future, not the past, and that the country needs a President who will fight aggressively to end the status quo and change the Washington system and to give voice to all of those whose voices are ignored in the corridors of power."

Kerry is definitely not a warrior for change.... he is a career politician.... same old thing.... year after year.... one trip to the Wafflehouse after the next.... and what class John displayed in what the media would have loved as a negative response from John. We know John can't get positive press.... negative press.... oh definitely. Kerry and Obama can have their cake.... I mean waffles.... and eat em' too.... with the press. :) Yummy. Yummy. ::vomiting:: :)

What does all of this mean? What do I think John needs? I personally would like to see an endorsement from Al Gore. In mid-late last year, Gore allegedly met with both Obama and Edwards. The media waited for an endorsement.... nothing. With Kerry's endorsement, the question looms again. Gore endorsed Dean back in 2004.... so what about this time? His advisors state that he will probably not endorse anyone. I think this is where we step in. We must encourage him to take a look at John's energy policy and John's clear recognition of Global Warming as worldwide epidemic. He would be Al Gore's ally FINALLY for the environment. So, with that said, you can contact Al Gore at the following address:

Honorable Al Gore
2100 West End Avenue Suite 620
Nashville, TN 37203

He does not have a public e-mail address as a point of contact from what I understand. If you don't have a lot to say, send a postcard! "Please Al, Endorse John Edwards -- The Man of Change.... Your Man for Green" or something quirky like that! lol :) Write TODAY!

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