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80+ South Carolina Leaders Endorse Edwards

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More Than 80 South Carolina Leaders Endorse Senator John Edwards

New endorsements build upon Edwards' strong base of support in his home state

Columbia, South Carolina – Today, as Senator John Edwards campaigns in Charleston, the Edwards campaign announced new endorsements from state and local community leaders and released a list of more than 80 South Carolina endorsements from some of the state's most respected leaders. The new endorsements, which include State House Members Karl Allen of Greenville and Vida Miller of Pawleys Island as well as five current mayors, come at a time of growing momentum for the Edwards campaign in the Palmetto State.

As a sign of support and commitment to the state where he was born, Edwards is the first of the Democratic candidates to return to South Carolina following the New Hampshire primary. His homecoming trip to the state included a rally in Clemson, where more than 1,000 supporters came out to welcome back their native son. Edwards also held a rally in Columbia yesterday, and later today he will volunteer with supporters at a Charleston food bank.

Fueled by Edwards' strong finish in the Iowa Caucuses on January 3rd, the Edwards campaign has raised more than one million dollars online in the past week. Edwards leads the Democratic field in both campaign stops and money raised in South Carolina. Edwards is the only Democratic candidate to ever win election in a "red" state, and his campaign boasts an impressive statewide grassroots organization in South Carolina.

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