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John Gets Least Amount of Time and Least Amount of Questions

Thanks to TomP at the DailyKos!

This won't surprise any of you but at the MSNBC debate which took place Tuesday night, John got the least amount of time and the least number of questions. Look at this disturbing data:

This is quite the gap when you look at Obama compared to Edwards. I think Clinton is close enough to Obama in terms of number of questions and the amount of time she spoke. John on the other hand, no. Obama got 9 more questions and 12 more minutes than John. Is Obama really THAT much better? His responses (and Clinton's too I might add) are boring. Yea, keep talking to me like a Professor to a student who hasn't reached your degree yet. I've had experience with that and that is EXACTLY what Obama reminds me of. "I know more than you, so listen up while I break it down reallllllllllllll slllllloooowww for you."

I am always hoping one day I won't have to come here and contribute a story to John being ignored in the media.... like it will go away.... and it looks like I'm with John.... I'll be here through the convention fighting for fairness in the media for John and any other candidate being ignored!

1 comment:

Diane Phipps (MySpace profile: IdahoForEdwards) said...

Great posting as usual, Kristin & Jordan!!

AND...what happened at the end of the debate with regard to WHY we only got to see Obama/Clinton signing autographs, laughing/joking with the crowd...??????....Where was John!!??!! I know I know...more of the 'same' That's why WE'RE here doing this blog isn't it...!!! I get it I get it!!! *smile*

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