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$8 Million in 8 Days

From the Jed Report

$8 million, 8 days

I heard something on NBC News a couple of days ago -- Barack Obama raised $8 million the 8 days after Iowa.

I'm sure Hillary Clinton is on the same pace.

Al Gore spent $10 million total from February - August of 2000.

He won the popular vote.

John Kerry spent over $100 million.

He lost.

Democrats are spending an awful lot of money to beat each other up.

There's three of them left in the race. He'll end up raising no more than $50 million or so for the primary, while his opponents will probably raise $300 million -- or more -- between them.

All this on a primary.

Someone is getting rich.

I'm sure it's not the people who the candidates profess to serve.

Perhaps Democrats ought to be contribution to Congressional candidates?

Put simply, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama don't need your money.

They'll do just fine without it.

(John Edwards, on the other hand, does need your money. Go ahead and pony up another $10!)

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