Thanks to


Levees Not War Still Fighting for John Edwards

I don't know how many of you remember this endorsement, but I have some of my own news to report. Do you recall an endorsement for John from Levees Not War? Levees Not War is:

"Founded in 2005, Levees Not War is a New York–based, New Orleans–devoted information / action network to build political will on the national, federal level to help the stricken Gulf Coast. We grew out of the 300,000-strong antiwar mobilization in Washington on Sept. 24—the weekend of Hurricane Rita, and only a month after Katrina. In Washington we and dozens of other marchers carried homemade signs saying MAKE LEVEES, NOT WAR. (We thought we were original until we saw everyone else's signs, all saying the same thing.)"

I had sent them the following letter stating,

"I wanted to send a short note thanking you for endorsing John Edwards. In my mind, there was a reason he announced his campaign in New Orleans. It really is time to be patriotic about something other than war.... what about the people in this country? Especially those in the Gulf Coast region who were ignored. You have courage standing with a man who wants to fight for change and not play nice for change because look what that's got us? Nothing. I am sure you all can vouch for that. I will be excited to share this endorsement at my-myspace Northern New York Loves Edwards!"

I am pleased to share that I received a response from the organization. :)

Thank you, Ms. Rielly. We hope the endorsement will do some good. (Did you see the endorsement on Huffington Post?)

We have posted Martin Luther King III's letter of encouragement to John Edwards:
Thanks again, and keep spreading the word,
Mark LaFlaur

Levees Not War has been posting supportive information concerning John's campaign so I wanted to publicly thank them again here and encourage you to do the same. Also, please visit their site and see the great work they are doing. Not to mention, let this be a reminder to all of us that John announced his campaign for Presidency from New Orleans.... and that was no accident. When so many of us has forgotten about New Orleans, John hasn't, I haven't, and people like Levees Not War haven't either.

1 comment:

Diane Phipps (MySpace profile: IdahoForEdwards) said...

Right on, Kristin, on getting the nice response back from them!

Who will New Orleans vote for come February 9th!?! It's time they gave up the red as it never did them any good with Katrina. I hope they realize John is who really cares about them.

Take care friend,
Diane :)

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