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Draft Gore NH Endorsed Edwards Before Primary

A day before the New Hampshire Primary, Draft Gore NH endorsed their choice for President. As their main choice, Al Gore, had not yet announced himself as a Presidential candidate, Draft Gore NH studied the candidates who were available to New Hampshire voters and evaluated their positions with particular attention paid to their Environmental policies.

Their findings? That John Edwards' takes the most "realistic, sensible solutions to tackling the challenge of global warming".

Yet, the media failed to cover this story or provide any real coverage of the endorsement even on the local level.

The Draft Gore NH Press Release follows...

"Draft Gore NH" Endorses John Edwards
7, 2007

Farrell Seiler
(603) 568-4916


Organization Cites Edwards’ Realistic, Sensible
Solutions to Tackling the Challenge of Global Warming On Eve of First in the
Nation Primary

Littleton, NH – Today, on the eve of New Hampshire’s
first in the nation primary, Draft Gore New Hampshire, a statewide group of
Granite state voters concerned about the impact of global warming, announced its
endorsement of Senator John Edwards.

Draft Gore News Hampshire is
encouraging all its members and voters across the state sharing their strong
environmental values to vote for Edwards in tomorrow’s primary election.

For six months, Draft Gore New Hampshire had been organizing an effort
to encourage New Hampshire voters write in Nobelist Al Gore’s name on the
primary ballot.

“As an organization, we quickly came to realize that
more aggressive national and worldwide leadership is needed to find workable
solutions to the critical issues of global warming and climate change,” said
Farrell Seiler, state coordinator for Draft Gore New Hampshire.

planet can no longer afford ‘politics as usual’ in Washington - where the
nuclear and fossil fuel industries dominate energy policy making to the
exclusion of economic programs designed to develop energy conservation, energy
efficiency and renewable energy programs.

“We came to the unanimous
decision that John Edwards has the courage to bring about changes in the way
decisions are made in Washington.”

Draft Gore New Hampshire was
organized in June 2007 and grew to include more than 2,000 members throughout
the state. It is a 100 percent grassroots effort by New Hampshire voters
concerned about the impact of global warming on America, and the world."


As you all know, John has been steadfastly opposed to
the expansion of nuclear generation. Some of you may not remember that the
southern part of New Hampshire had been identified about 25 years ago as a
potential nuclear dump site. This commitment by him regarding nuclear power is
very important.

Of equal importance and which I find particularly
encouraging are his proposed farm conservation policies.

I would like to
thank the members of "Draft Gore" for their kind endorsement and confidence in
John Edwards.

Jay Phinizy
Acworth N.H.
Representative, Sull 5

Committee on Environment and Agriculture
New Hampshire
House of Representatives

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