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John Edwards will be a major influence at the Convention (1/26)

Taken from a blog post done earlier tonight on MySpace ("Idaho for Edwards")

Despite the projected non-win in South Carolina tonight, John Edwards is still not out of the race if he keeps continuing to get over 10% of the votes.

Because of that and if he continues running like he says he will, he'll still be able to bargain for a strong position in August.

There are a lot of states left to go yet and even in South Carolina tonight the exit polls have shown that John received quite a percentage of the white vote count compared to Sen.'s Obama/Clinton. We HAVE TO wait and see how this particular result plays out among all the other states left to go.

So what does this mean...? It definitely means that we cannot predict who will come out on top in August UNTIL August and what else will factor into this facinating democratic process between now and then!

And due to the vote percentages John has received so far from the 2008 primaries and caucuses held already and what he will continue to receive throughout each of the remaining state's voting processes, we definitely know that John Edwards will be a major influence either way at the convention in August in Denver.

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