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The Dust of SC Has Settled.... the Light of Super Tuesday Emerges

The dust of the South Carolina primary has finally settled. The outcome of that primary really tested my strength. I was pushed beyond my limits in frustration. So many questions. Why would people vote based on race or gender? Why would people vote on the firsts and not the issues? Am I really the minority in this election? At this point, if you are an John Edwards supporter, you are a minority.

What I find interesting about that is after the results were declared in South Carolina, I had Obama supporters trying to find out where my vote was going to go. Also, they were trying to get me to back Obama to help out online because they have seen the work I put in for John here and at myspace. Not to mention, people were asking me who I was going to vote for now -- Obama or Clinton. When I said neither, it upset quite a few people. I was even called "irresponsible". This is because people want to make sure a Democrat wins so by my not giving support to either of these two, I am not a good Democrat? I want a Democrat in the White House just as much as the next person but I don't see why I have to shift my support and vote for these two? My candidate hasn't even conceeded. I'll tell you why people are asking Edwards supporters to do this.... they are doing this because they want to see an easy win for one of the two because if all of our votes went to one of them, it would tie up the nomination and delegates. Edwards stays in, eh, it makes it more interesting. Nobody from the Obama or Clinton campaign wants interesting. They want a lock up now so they don't have to work so hard. Be careful my fellow Edwardians.... the Obama and Clinton vultures are out on the hunt for your vote. If your primary or caucus has not happened yet, don't jump ship. You have a voice. I have a voice. I will be damned if my voice won't get heard on my primary day!

Super Tuesday is my day and I intend to vote for John Edwards in the state of Oklahoma. I am hoping by the time I make it back home to New York at the end of February, I will be gearing up to support John in the general election in my home state. With that said, a friend of mine Kim from NYC really lifted my spirts with the following comment and I hope it will do the same for you,

"bill clinton didnt win the first 8 primary races and he went on to win it all... lets hope it could happen again... peace from N.Y.C."

I am fired up! If you aren't going to support John, go find the Obama and Clinton camps.... they'll be glad to have you. Trust me. In fact, I've already seen my friends count decrease on myspace since Saturday night. Bottom line -- John Edwards didn't conceed. I am not a conformist, so kick me when I am down and I am going to get back up and keep fighting! I am staying here.... with John Edwards! Our voice will be heard!

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