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Daytona Beach Paper Endorses Edwards

The Daytona Beach News Journal has endorsed John Edwards for President.

Opinion - Editorial
January 13, 2008

Edwards a contender who inspires confidence

Long before this month's Iowa and New Hampshire votes, many Democrats decided experience and "electability" are the most critical considerations in choosing their party's next presidential nominee. But after eight reckless years under George W. Bush, it should be obvious that good judgment, above all, is what this country needs in its next president.

John Edwards, in a strong field of Democratic candidates, best inspires our confidence for his sound judgment and thoughtful preparation on issues that matter to most Americans. His policy proposals are more comprehensive than the other contenders, offering carefully detailed and compelling solutions for health care, job security, the Iraq war, global warming, immigration and more.

Consider for example, his health care proposal: He wants to repeal Bush tax cuts that favor rich Americans and use the money to pay for universal health care. He would require employers to cover their employees or help finance their health insurance.

Additionally, he would lower insurance costs by creating tax credits, expanding Medicaid and coverage for children, reforming insurance laws, and containing health care costs. He would create regional markets to encourage more consumer bargaining power in buying health plans, compel broader choices among insurance plans, and cut costs for businesses offering insurance. Once these are accomplished, Edwards would require all American residents to obtain insurance. It is a bold but realistic reform for this country's crippled market-based system.

The former U.S. senator from North Carolina also scores well on experience and electability. He is clearly the least polarizing of the top Democratic contenders, comporting himself as a defender of regular Americans not just in this race but throughout his career in politics and as a brilliant trial lawyer fighting political machines and corporate ruthlessness. His consistent refusal to accept campaign contributions from lobbyists resonates with his rhetoric on the stump, and, more important, his Senate voting record.

So much of what was great about America has been corrupted by the unprincipled policies of the Bush White House and Republican Congress that catered to wealth and privilege even as they weakened the middle class and abandoned the poor. Edwards grew up in a working-class family, working summers in a textile mill. He was the first in his family to go to college and is more eloquent and believable than the other contenders when each pledges to stand up to big business and other special interests.

He's not capturing national headlines after Barack Obama's win in the Iowa caucus and Hillary Clinton's comeback in New Hampshire last week. But only a small fraction of the primary votes have been cast. Florida Democrats can give Edwards a deserved boost toward the nomination Jan. 29. John Edwards has the intellectual clarity, values, experience, good judgment and message to represent his party well against the Republican challenger in November.

RECOMMENDATION: John Edwards as the Democratic nominee for president.

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