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CNN Omit Edwards from Polling

Thank you to jamess from DailyKos in the article Unbelievable! CNN narrows the Field of Candidates!

CNN has taken it upon themselves to exclude John from their polls. Apparently, the American people only have Obama and Clinton to chose from. EXCUSE ME? My day to vote on February 5th isn't even here yet! I am STILL voting for John. Why can't my candidate be included? Not to mention, it was just last month CNN themselves reported John beating ALL of the GOP candidates head to head in polls. And just today, John was on Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer and a clip of John speaking in SC about how change does not begin in Washington. Are they just humoring him? Clinton and Obama too busy counting their money to appear? Actually, no. They don't need to appear in person because CNN already gives them all the air time they need when they are out on the campaign trail. Here is yet ANOTHER example of the mainstream media blackout against John. It is pretty clear too.... his name just isn't there. Like he doesn't exist?! I am not just saying this about John either.... any other Democratic candidate such as Kucinich and Gravel as well who HAVE NOT dropped out of the race. We need to tell CNN how we feel! After you've done that, let's not forget to tell other media outlets we are watching them as well! I hope you could take a moment and remind them that we Edwardians are still here:

The author of this article jamess at DailyKos also provided a letter we can all use which I have posted below. Thank you jamess!

Subject: Where is John Edwards?
Where is John Edwards?

He is just as Viable as any of the 2nd place GOP candidates and Edwards beats all the Republicans in Direct Head to Head match ups, as many Polls have shown. Edwards is still running, you have NO Right to Censor him from your Political Coverage, only the People have the right to pick their Nominees.
Not those doing the Reporting. I am Outraged, with ____fill in the station and show____, and your intentional filtered and medaling with Democracy!

First selling us the Iraq War, Now selling us our Next President!

Your Name
Your City and State

Afterall, John wasn't kidding when he said the change doesn't start in Washington.... it starts right here! If the media doesn't want to listen, we will MAKE them listen!

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