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All About Texas and Ohio?

Jonathan Prince, John's Senior Advisor, has made a statement to the NYTimes which may indicate when John may endorse Hillary or Barack:

"You can't make a judgment until Ohio and Texas," said Jonathan Prince, who was a senior adviser to John Edwards of North Carolina, who quit the race two weeks ago. "In this campaign, every time he has surged ahead, voters take a pause. If momentum keeps slamming into a wall, then you do have to come down to the numbers."

Didn't I just say this? I will have to go back and re-read my blogs but I am pretty sure I said that if he didn't make an endorsement before or after Super Tuesday, then he is waiting for big guns like Texas and Ohio before he decides to back someone.... and would you look at that? Prince makes a statement about Texas and Ohio. Of course, this is all pure speculation as to a time John may endorse but.... can you blame the guy? Edwards Democrats haven't had it easy either.... making the decision to either stand our ground and vote for John.... vote for Hillary or Barack.... not vote at all.... and this is just the primaries and caucus'. Those of us who have voted in the primaries or caucus'.... we have been weighing our decisions for the general election.... support the Democrat nominee? Vote Republican? Vote Independent? Not vote at all? Write John's name in? I like that idea.... the Edwards Democratic Party needs to get John's name on the ballot! That way our voice still gets heard in the name of John Edwards! ;) At any rate, we may be getting closer folks to the answer of 'the John Edwards Endorsement'!

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